Below are the actual lyrics to the song:
1. It's a long time now since first we met when I was but a child. I felt you were just mine alone, for I loved you all the while. In those days when I was oh so young, I could not understand Why so many others loved you too and tried to take your hand.
CHORUS: Oh, Roisin, my Roisin, I know you know just what I mean, And I feel love and sadness when I think of you, Roisin.
2. And down the years in words and song your lovers reminisced. We dream our old familiar dreams of the lady in the mist. Yet still today we will not ask what you want us to do. Why do we hurt the ones we love and claim to love you too?
3. Oh, the years pass by as I grow old, but you remain still young. There's one regret within my heart that we never were as one. But one thing I can say for sure in all your future days:You'll know the pain of love because we loved in different ways.
This will be the new home for the ‘Proud to be Irish’ playlists and Irish music. I’m revamping the blog. It’ll have a regularly updated list of all the artists that we play on our Radio Show ‘Proud to be Irish’. If you are an Irish artist looking for airplay of your CD, please contact us at and we’ll take it from there.
Mary and Mareena McGirr