In January, 1996, Eamonn broke the World Record for Non-Stop Singing and sang for a total of 11 days 20 minutes. This record will undoubtedly stand for many a day. His efforts brought in thousands of dollars for the Center For Disability Services in Albany. It was not onl y featured constantly on local television, but also went national and international on the Today Show and Inside Edition.

After a long and courageous fight, Eamonn passed away on Monday, June 14th, 2004. However, his tremendous spirit lives on.
Be not sorrowful when I die.
I have fought a hard, bitter battle.
The peace of rest is mine.
Earned through pain and suffering.
Be not sad, for the prize of peace is finally mine.
We do still have some of Eamonn's music available for you to pick up if you wish. Different Yet the Same and The Way Back are available for possible purchase. Please contact us at keepitirish@nycap.rr.com with your request and we'll take it from there.
Mary and Mareena McGirr